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Our team is constantly searching for creative ways to deliver new content to our readers. We intend to keep up a consistent line of communication with you because of this reason. In the event that you have any ideas regarding how we can enhance either this website or the texts that we publish, we will gratefully receive your letters.

Please notify us in writing of any problems or technical difficulties you experience so that we can resolve them. We want to be one of the most well-liked websites where people go to read articles and find resources about licenced casinos, so we value all comments, good or bad.

Any questions you may have can be answered and assistance is provided. Do not hesitate to get in touch with our PR Department via e-mail [email protected] us or fill out the form below:

Our office on the map

You can find us at our office on:

Regeringsgatan 29, 111 53 Stockholm, Sweden

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