Privacy policy

The data that we collect

A multitude of data types are gathered from our users, encompassing personal information such as name, date of birth, e-mail address, and telephone number. Additionally, financial information, including credit card and bank account details, may be gathered. Additionally, we may collect IP addresses, browser types, and device information pertaining to your use of our website.

How we protect your data

We prioritise the safeguarding of your data and employ a multitude of measures to ensure its protection. Encryption technologies, secure servers, and firewalls are utilised to protect your data. Additionally, we restrict data access to authorised personnel only.

How we utilise the data collected

In order to provide you with our services, which include casino reviews and offering promotions and bonuses, we utilise the information we collect. In addition, we may employ your information to conduct marketing activities, including the dissemination of emails pertaining to our offerings.

Methods of data collection

Data collection occurs via an assortment of channels, encompassing transactions conducted on our website, subscription to our services, and the utilisation of tracking technologies such as cookies.

Dispute resolution

We encourage you to contact us first in the event of any disputes or conflicts so that we may make every effort to resolve the matter. A third-party mediator may be engaged in the event that a resolution cannot be reached.


Similar technologies and cookies are utilised to improve the user experience on our website. Tracking user preferences, analysing user behaviour, and delivering targeted advertisements are all possible uses for cookies. Through your use of our site, you grant us permission to utilise cookies.

Protection of minors

Users who are under the age of 18 are not granted access to our website. Users’ age verification information may be requested in order to ensure adherence to this policy.

Potential revisions to the privacy statement

At any time, we reserve the prerogative to amend our privacy statement. Any modifications will be officially announced on our website, and your continued utilisation of our services will indicate your agreement with the revised policy.

We use cookies to give you the best experience on our website
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